Creative Soccer Culture

10 Things You Might Have Missed This Week – 28/02/20

He may cost £47 million, but United new boy Bruno Fernandes is not above chucking on some trackies and heading down his local Tesco to stock up on Andrex and Play-Doh. Well his work ethic will certainly be welcome if Lingard and Pereira are anything to go by. That and how footballers should deal with injuries is all part of 10 things that you might have missed from the world of football this week.

Cheese & Onion Bag – Still think the lady in the booth should have done better to save those crisps.

Man Up – The only way this could have been more Scottish is if a physio ran on and produced a magic sponge soaked in Irn-Bru.

Celebrate Good Times – There's a clear line though, and this guy has stepped across it. In fact he's so far past the line that the line is just a dot to him.

Looney Tunes – Organised shithousery of the highest order...

Every Little Helps – Bruno Fernandes bringing the type of work ethic to the team that United fans have been demanding. Would never see Pogba doing his own shopping, that's for sure. Anyone who's been dragged out to do the shopping by their other half will relate to the look in Fernandes' eyes.

Work Hard, Play Hard – Manchester United pay Jesse Lingard £135,000 per week to do this in training. This is the same man that has 0 goals and 0 assists in 21 Premier League appearances this season.

All Dressed Up With Nowhere To Go – On Thursday the Europa League match between Frankfurt and Salzburg was postponed due to a storm warning, so fans decided to go and watch he local ice hockey match instead. 

Hard For Pard – Not working out too well for Alan Pardew at Eredivisie side ADO Den Haag. The fans are so unimpressed with his management and tactics that they tried to take over training. 

Mini Mascot – Lorenzo Insigne is not the tallest guy around, so to give him the biggest mascot ahead of Napoli's game with Barcelona was just plain harsh. Napoli were the home side as well!

Denim City – Man City players rocking the Shawshank Redemption look ahead of their Champions League match with Real Madrid.

The Grandest Of Stands – Only people of a certain age will really remember Grandstand, but that iconic soundtrack has now been improved. Impossible you say? Think again... 

Tough At The Bottom – Norwich struggling against relegation is clearly taking its toll...

Finally In Front of the Lens – Go on Brock Lensar.

Use Your Head – Well played sir...

Your Own Harshest Critic – De Roon trolling himself. Well if he didn't do it...

Did we say 10? Ah well, close enough.

Daniel Jones

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