Creative Soccer Culture

10 Things You Might Have Missed This Week – 27/09/19

Mourinho’s back in work. It might only be those banteriffic rascals at Paddy Power, but still, we’ll take it. This is 10 things you might have missed from the world of football this week, where own goals off your arse are not only accepted, but encouraged. Football is way more fun when it's weird.

One For The Cameras – The lad needs to teach Loris Karius about having a recovery plan. 

Hand Balls – Or balls to hand? Can't see Joaquin's Magic Roadshow doing many kids birthday parties anytime soon.

More-inho – Turns out that when Mourinho isn't managing, intolerably moaning and blaming everyone but himself every week, he's actually alright. Stay on holiday Jose, you look happier, pal.

Cracking Goal – Sometimes, it just ain't your day.

The Pep Effect Rages On – The graphics on the new FIFA are decent aren't they?

You Only Bark When You're Winning – Had to double check where the guy's head was.

Read My Lips – Give it Giggsy 'til end of the season.

Plastic Support – Mate. Get in the bin.

For The Love Of The Game – This game that we love does beautiful things.

Playground Legend – Fair play to Rochdale. Most clubs would have protected him from media duties, but when the young'un speaks so articulately they've got nothing to worry about. 

That's Ten. Ish. Have a good weekend...

Daniel Jones

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