Creative Soccer Culture

Amateur Football in Poland by Przemek Niciejewski

Embracing that side of the game where the ball bobbles along an poetically uneven surface and the lines dodge the divots, photographer Przemek Niciejewski presents his latest documentary piece that offers a glimpse into the world of amateur football in Poland.

There are characters in every walk of life though in football, the combination of colourful souls mixed with a passion fuelled sport makes for an incredible coming together. Visually too, from touchline to tired changing rooms - we've all been there. Whether it's a soggy Sunday or dry June, the amateur game is littered with sheer scenes and wherever you go in the world to play your game, we'll all be united in the experience of playing on a pitch that sits on the side of a hill or next to a river. As we "pick 'e out the stingers" or go wading into the ravine in search of the ball, it's this beautiful game that binds us.

Amateur Football in Poland by Przemek Niciejewski_0014_Layer 26.jpg

A selection of imagery that needs little introduction, you can expect the beautifully unconventional. Scattered seating along the sidelines is met with an array of weathered faces. Having seen it all with decades gone by, this dances in the space where wise heads meet powerful places. As raw as you like and as pure as they come, it's another fine offering that pictures football with plenty of heart and soul. Special mention to the tin can dugouts that look to be 20ft away from the pitch and accommodate both Gaffer and right hand man in suitably 80s attire.

You can see more work by Przemek Niciejewski here.


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