Creative Soccer Culture

'Quotes from the Marshes' by The Gun FC

A collective of creatives that ply their footballing trade on the famous Hackney Marshes, The Gun FC released a collection of posters a short while ago capturing some of the many quotes they've heard echo around those famous pitches.

When an opening gambit reads 'Who's marking Orlando Bloom', it opens up the imagination to think the endless quotable phrases that must be screamed across a muddy taped crossbar of a pitch.

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This collection, not short of expletives, journeys just a few that The Gun FC have heard. Reimagined in typographic poster form, it's a lighthearted reminder of grass roots football.

On a ever more powerful note, the video above was one that The Gun FC created. Directed by Thomas Wootton, the film tells the story of long serving Hackney Marshes referee and Fixture Secretary Jermaine Wright. A story beautifully told, it's most definitely time for a mid-week kick about.

You can see more about The Gun FC here.


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