Creative Soccer Culture

Football League re-brand for 16/17 season

On a quest for innovation, the Football League have embarked on a re-brand exercise going in to the 16/17 season. Receiving a bag of mixed reviews it's an interesting shift for the establishment of the global game.

A core of the game across England and Wales, the Football League has been the backbone to the global game since its inception. A hallmark of the game, it's not surprising that mixed views on the brand have been showered across social media. You can be forgiven if it echoes of a environmentally friendly energy company. Just give it time...

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The reworked brand, which will be shortened for ease to the 'EFL' feels a little like dangling out a rod to foreign shores waiting for that tasty bite of foreign attention - cynics may say anyway... given the fact that the Premier League is widely called the 'EPL' outside Europe. Fair enough, a global game afterall and with the standard ever on the rise it's understandable from a marketing point of view - a game of passion however, many clubs will testify that football doesn't work within typical business models. Though, while the changes take place, it's worth enjoying those logos that will be consigned to the history books:

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An exciting hot bed of creativity and growing flair, The Championship alone is largely made up of former Premier League teams and a mountain of players who have danced on the top flight - it's proven year after year to be a league that offers the anyone can beat anyone formula. In the process of all the retouching, let's just not forget about the likes of Cardiff, Newport, Wrexham, Swansea and anyone else who might mingle with those 3 divisions eh.

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The structure of the leagues will remain in tact, it's purely a re-branding and with only a snippet of a logo and a video to go on, there's no doubting it's a brand that will grow into its own in due course. The logo itself, made up of 72 balls to reflect each team across the three divisions - each club will be given their own tailored logo dependent on their colors. You can find out more about the full re-brand here.


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