Creative Soccer Culture

Guardiola Surprises Young City Fan

Pep Guardiola has already begun winning over the Manchester City faithful as he surprises a young fan Braydon Brent in 'Pep's Taxi'. Once little Braydon accepts the man in the cab is in fact the new City gaffer he wastes no time firing some questions as the former Barca and Bayern manager.

Not short of confidence, Braydon comes up with some classic lines including;"Whenever you need a friend in Manchester, come to my house for tea." and "I know Messi's your friend. You might give him a call and see if he wants to join us and have a good time?". If only it was that simple. £500k a week and fish and chips every Friday round Brendan's? That should do it.

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How good is it to finally have Pep in the Premier League by the way? England's top flight just got a hell of a lot cooler. 


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