Creative Soccer Culture

Fans on Copacabana Bitten By Suarez Bug

adidas have inadvertently created a brilliant photo opportunity on Copacabana Beach. The Luis Suarez billboard went almost unnoticed until Italy played Uruguay, now it's become one of the main photo attractions in Rio.

Since the Liverpool striker decided to bag a hat trick of career bites by trying to maul Giorgio Chiellini's shoulder, thousands of fans strolling down the Copacabana have seized the opportunity for a brilliant photo playing on adidas' Battle Pack #allin on nothing campaign. The prints of Suarez screaming are placed on billboards all around Rio de Janeiro, at least it used to look like he was screaming, from now on all everyone can see is a hungry Uruguayan with the jaws of an angry pitbull terrier.

If you see a Suarez in the wild, avoid eye contact and do not approach it, they are dangerous and will attack even when unprovoked. Source: Guardian Sport


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