Creative Soccer Culture

The Dial Up Episode # 11 | Bruno Fernandes

‘The Dial Up’ is a simple concept: at a time when face to face interviews are not possible, instead we pick up the phone for an informal and yet candid chat with the pros, lifting the lid on what life is really like, and uncovering more of the story behind their superstar personas. And next up is Bruno Fernandes, Manchester United’s next great Portuguese star…

Bruno Fernandes got off to an absolute flyer at Manchester United. Then there was the first ever winter break in the Premier League. He carried on where he left off when the league resumed though. Then there was Coronavirus. Fair to say that his United career to date has been a bit stop start. But football is now back, and Fernandes is keen to once again pick up where he left off, building on his impressive start and helping to put United back where they belong, competing at the top of the table.

Few players make as much of an instant impact on the Premier League as Fernandes has. But for people that don’t follow the Portuguese league, or that are unfamiliar with his exploits in Serie A, he’s a bit of a mystery; undoubtedly talented on the pitch, but seemingly quiet and unassuming off it, not opposed to heading down to Tesco with the missus to do the weekly shopping. Speaking to him for our regular series, ‘The Dial Up’, Fernandes is only too happy to fill in some of the blanks, letting us all get to know the man behind the player, and what he’s really about. 

You’re playing for one of the biggest clubs in the world. You need to respect the history of the club. You need to know when you come that the focus is on titles; titles are the most important thing. In Manchester, it doesn’t matter how you play, but you need to play to win the games"
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For now everyone is really excited with me because the beginning was really nice. But I know, the first false step I give, everyone will come and say he’s not good enough for Manchester, he’s not the kind of player we need, Manchester needs to buy another player to play in his position… it will be like that. And that is the moment that I need to improve. Not for them, but for myself"
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Watch the full interview with Bruno Fernandes on IGTV.

Daniel Jones

The Creative Soccer Culture Brief

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