Creative Soccer Culture

In Conversation | Rhian Brewster Talks Football and Fashion As He Shoots With Lyle & Scott

Rhian Brewster is a stand out player as part of the next generation. An England Under-17 World Cup winner with towering aspirations, he has top flight pedigree. Working with Lyle & Scott, he mixes fashion and football as he talks us through life at Liverpool as well as being a young lion.

What’s this year been like off the back of last summer? Have you had to grow up fast?

"Yeah, it’s been crazy. Coming back from the World Cup there was obviously a lot of attention on us individually and things change in the way that you start thinking that you can’t put one foot wrong otherwise people will see it. I think it has made me grow up really really fast. Not just because of the privacy or spotlight kind of thing but on and off the pitch, things like social media means there’s a lot of people looking at how you react to things."

Tell us about that feeling when you think back to that winning moment?

"It was actually crazy. It’s still an unbelievable memory. The way we won it, it wasn’t like any ordinary final. To win it 5-2 was incredible. When the final whistle went, I just didn’t know what to do - I just dropped to my knees - I was so tired and overcome by it all. I didn’t know how to react. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry or get emotional about it. It was a huge mixture of emotions but I loved every second of that winning moment. I would do that every day if I could."

How hard do you have to work to break through and develop at a club like Liverpool?

"You have to work very hard. It’s not easy and it’s not somewhere you can just walk into the first team. You’ve got to put a lot of graft in and hopefully by putting all that work in, you can get that chance and opportunity to show what you can do with the first team."

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How hungry are you to reach that elite level?

"Oh yeah, I’m very very hungry. I will do whatever it will take to get to the level that I think I can achieve. I want to be the very best I can be so if that means not going out, putting extra days into training, then that’s what it takes. I think it’s also about working hard on and off the pitch so that both physically and technical you have everything you need to get to the top."

Have your experiences to date meant an England call up for the senior team is very much the dream?

"I would love that call up more than anything. If that happens, it will be a dream come true. I’m so so happy for a player like Trent Alexander Arnold who has got a spot with the squad. It also shows what can be done and gives you huge inspiration and motivation to follow those footsteps. If that happens, it will be crazy."

You’ve been quick off the mark to establish a strong look for yourself, have you enjoyed that process?

"Yeah I enjoy what I wear. I don’t think it’s easy to establish one look for yourself as you’ve got to understand who you are but I think firstly it’s about establishing myself on the pitch as a player before I can put more of my look out there. I want to reach the top level on the pitch more than anything."

Football and fashion mix so much now. Do you think the new era coming through are particularly switched on to life off the pitch?

"Things like social media do help players in today’s game show a bit more personality. It shows people what we’re about and it’s all natural to my age group to share what’s going on. When it comes to fashion, one leads to the other - showing people the behind the scenes world shows what players are in to or wearing."

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How would you describe your character? What are you into day to day?

"I’m a very relaxed person. I like to just chill. Going to and from training each day that is where my time is committed but I like to go shopping, relax with friends and just unwind when I’m not playing football."

What about your tastes? What has caught your eye where fashion meets football?

"I think that today we’re seeing a lot more people wear football shirts instead of basketball shirts. Back in the day it would be all about basketball jerseys but now people have swapped that for football shirts. Also, we’re seeing brands like Lyle & Scott, FILA and Champion all come into the mix."

What players have broke the mold style wise would you say?

"The one that has broke the mold is Hector Bellerin. His style and confidence is a good lead to follow."

What about that next generation that you’re part of, what are the biggest trends right now?

"I think nowadays and for my age, there’s a big crossover with music. UK Rap and stuff like that, there’s always a song playing somewhere for me. All players seem to have a strong connection to music these days."

How important is your barber for example?

"Well, he’s very important to me because now the image of yourself is very important. As you get closer to the spotlight too and people start to notice you, you don’t want to be walking around with a rubbish trim or rubbish haircut. You’ve got to have a fresh haircut every week really."

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Where do you get your inspiration for your look? Do you look at particular sites or stores?

"I shop quite a bit on Flannels, ASOS and stuff like that. There’s a lot of variety with places like that and I enjoy browsing it all and getting a bit of fresh inspiration there."

What does your ideal summer or moment of time off look like?

"Just relaxing, re-generating the batteries for the next season and making sure you’re ready to go again. Going away and enjoying yourself is important to feeling fresh but yeah going somewhere I can relax and recharge is what I look for."

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If you could explain the life as a professional football player, how would you describe it?

"It’s an amazing experience. To be a professional footballer, the thought of being an idol to the next generation or to inspire people through my football, would be very special. It’s a career that can give you a platform to help young people and that’s something I definitely want to do."

What would you say is the best and worst thing about being a professional footballer?

"One good thing is that you get to play the game you love in front of thousands of fans who love it as much as you. That feeling is like no other. One bad thing is that because of that, there’s a lot of attention on you. If you slip up and do one bad thing then it outweighs ten other things you may have done right."

Has it been different to what you thought it would be like?

"Yes and no. Of course, you know about the pressures and you know it’s going to be a crazy experience but then again, until you’re actually in it and living that life you don’t know what that experience is like. It’s amazing to see just how big the game is from the otherside now."

What have been the biggest surprises that you’ve learnt about yourself on this journey?

"I think being mentally strong. Having a long term injury, it’s put me out for 5 months and that experience has been tough. I never thought I’d be injured for this long and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone."

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You can see more as Rhian Bewster linked up with Lyle & Scott here.


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