Creative Soccer Culture

'Matsipäivä - Game Day' Curated by Tommi Jäkkö

Appreciating a fine dosage of powerful imagery, this curated piece of work by Tommi Jäkkö lands with serious strength as it depicts the curious world of Finnish football. 'Matsipäivä' translates as 'Game Day' and helps paint the picture of a place football is explored very little.

Showcasing the cultured game in Finland, this book combines the work of nine different photographers and goes the distance both geographically and metaphorically. A well structured and thought out piece of work too, Tommi describes it as a 'love confession', and you can't help but feel swept away with the power of the imagery.

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It's a sophisticated presentation that has been delivered with minimalist tones, and while Finland may be a few miles up the road, this book will be contextually relevant from Paris to Penzance. Nicely done.

You can see more of Tommi's work, here.


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