Creative Soccer Culture

'Around Here' Zine Issue 2

'Around Here' is a Zine that captures football moments with eclectic influence. The second issue entitled 'Around The Match' enters into the world of football with a touch of typically British style.

A collaboration between Chris Butler and photographer Daniel Cheetham, Issue 2, titled 'Around The Match', sees the duo visit a collective of football matches and document the experience from the outside. Capturing the spaces and characters that fill these places on a match day, it's a sharp piece of work that will speak volumes to the football fan who has experienced that walk up to a match.

Some description

In their words, "Being outside the grounds of a football match once the game begins provides an interesting contrast of the senses. The combination of deserted streets filled with a sea of voices coming in intermittent waves from a crowd of people you can’t see, makes for a powerful and somewhat eerie setting."

You can pick one up for a tidy £3 here.


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