Creative Soccer Culture

Football Culture Illustrations by Martin Gordopelota

Shaping the visual heart and soul of football in Argentina, illustrator and designer Martin Gordopelota is a talent with the ability to depict the trials and tribulations that the game brings. From those boozy kick-abouts to the joys of shirted fandom.

Martin's work has been acclaimed from many quarters and quite rightly, he has been enlisted to mark up many a mural with his work transcending from the digital world to a very real and tangible one. His cartoon style personifies a beautiful spirt of the game with the finer detail being looked after at every crossing. You'll spot bucket hats, pub snacks and kits from all over re-imagined in painted form. Trefoils too, there's a fitting nod to those brands that swoosh, stripe and serenade our kit thread, loving souls.

Some description

Just look on and pick out those finer points, then make a plan  you're going to need some serious wall-space to plant one of these numbers.

See more of Martin's work here.


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