Creative Soccer Culture

adidas' SPEEDFACTORY lands in Germany

The technical evolution moving at pace, adidas have revealed what the future will look like behind the scenes from the production side of the three stripes. Its pilot 'SPEEDFACTORY' makes waves in automated manufacturing processes, whilst adding the ability to add more bespoke design to shoes with greater on the fly flexibility.

With the first concept shoes comprising 500 pairs of running footwear to be revealed in the first half of 2016 with high-volume production for consumers set to launch in the near future. It's a line in the sand as to how the brand looks to serve its customers with added tailoring - going to the consumers rather than offering a one dimensional service - more of a conversation that fits the customers needs in the mind and on the sole.

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Herber Hainer, adidas CEO describes the plans, "SPEEDFACTORY combines the design and development of sporting goods with an automated, decentralised and flexible manufacturing process. This flexibility opens doors for us to be much closer to the market and to where our consumer is. Ultimately we are at the forefront of innovating our industry by expanding the boundaries for how, where and when we can manufacture our industry-leading products."

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As well as better meeting the needs of consumers, the SPEEDFACTORY network will have a significant positive impact on the environment by cutting down on shipping emissions, whilst drastically reducing the use of adhesives. It's an inspired vision to meet the needs of aspiring consumers and a market behind the scenes as to how the brand plans to stake an even greater claim on the sportswear, lifestyle and performance landscape.


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