Creative Soccer Culture

In Conversation | Joe Gomez talks Liverpool, Style & Music

A massive season that has seen him find a space in the England squad the Liverpool back line, Joe Gomez is a player making waves. Humble yet hungry, we spoke to him as 2018 begins to gather pace.

What’s it like to be Joe Gomez right now? Just three years ago at Charlton did you see a Premier League start for Liverpool and an England debut being within reach?

"I wouldn’t say I saw it coming. Obviously as a kid, you’ve got dreams and aspirations but I’ve sort of just taken it all as it comes really. I’ve tried not to get ahead of myself or anything like that and with hard work I’ve been lucky enough to have opportunities this season to play and with that, it’s given me the chance to get an England call up. It’s all been a massive plus for me."

Looking at where you are now, have you taken your aspirations to new levels again?

"Just when I think back to Charlton, to be a professional football player was a dream come true so this is next level. It’s obviously different where I am now. It’s a whole new world and a whole new scale. Charlton was a dream for me but to then go to Liverpool and see the size of the club, the support and so on, it’s all completely different and I’m just happy to be here and to be playing football at a club like this. It’s special."

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There’s no way we can’t mention a man of the match award against Brazil at Wembley - that’s serious daydream kind of stuff, isn’t it?

"The game and the man of the match stuff is all nice but it’s not what I think of so much. Just the opportunity to play for England, to get the call up and so on - that’s a massive dream for me. It’s something you aspire to as a kid and it seems to far away. I still felt like it was far away when it was all happening. To actually experience it and go through it all was incredible."

That moment when the call comes in is always something that is talked about, but what is it really like? What goes through your head?

"Literally, it's so surreal. I was just there like “oh my gosh, is this really happening?”. I just called my girlfriend straight after and we both just sat on the phone in silence. I couldn’t even talk, I couldn’t believe it but yeah, like I said, I’m just grateful to get the opportunity and it’s been good for me."

What players did you grow up in awe of? Where there any that you tried to model yourself on?

"Generally, I think coming to Liverpool I know about the history here and how big a figure Jamie Carragher is. Obviously he was at United but someone like Rio Ferdinand was massive for me. Putting clubs aside, him as a player, he was everything I would aspire to be. A ball playing centre half who reads the game and a top all-round player. When you’re younger those top goal scorers like Thierry Henry were big for me but as I developed, those two centre-halves were the ones I would watch most and aspire to follow."

Would you say you’re a player who likes to express himself both on and off the pitch?

"Yeah I’d say so in a way. Most definitely on the pitch and with the ball, yes. Off the pitch I try to keep to myself and stay out of the limelight in that kind of way but on it I would like to think I wouldn’t shy away from getting on the ball - that’s where I’m most comfortable. I think it’s crucial in modern football to be able to get on the ball and play."

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How’s it been for a London guy to adapt to life in Liverpool, have you taken to the city?

"It’s a great place and it’s very much home for me now. I’ve been here for two and a half years and I’m settled here. It’s a very nice city and the people are great. The fans obviously live and breath Liverpool, so that’s good to be a part of. I like being part of something that is supported so well. It’s a seriously special place to play."

It's a culturally rich city with a strong sense of style and fashion - is that a reflection of what you're about too?

"I say with fashion and stuff, I’m still more South East London. That’s my roots and where I grew up so I’d say that’s still where I take my style influence from. All my friends from school and stuff are still there so I’d say that’s still very much with me but I love Liverpool as a city. All my family and loved ones do too. It’s a great place to be."

Where do you take your style inspiration from and where do you shop?

"I wouldn’t say there’s a particular person where I took influence from. I do like fashion generally. I’d say I’m probably more casual than Louis Vuitton sort of thing. I like the Off-White's of this world but most of the time you’d find me in a tracksuit and a pair of Air Max. I’m just quite chilled with what I wear and then when I’m going out with my girlfriend then I’ll probably dress up a little more. A pair of ripped jeans and a nice hoody maybe. I’m just more chilled really. It probably does come from growing up in East London. It’s just how I was brought up. I do have some designer gear but I wouldn’t say it’s big for me."

What players would you say have a pretty strong look right now?

"I think Emre (Can). Everyone knows he’s got a good sense of style. He’s probably a little more daring than me in what he wears but he makes it look good. Footballers are not who I’d look at all that much for style. Music is big for me. Drake with his OVO stuff and all that, I’m into that."

How much does music come into your life? Who are you listening too right now?

"It’s massive for me. I’m into all sorts you know. From UK rap like Mostack, proper grime artists. Krept and Konan, I like what they’re about and their style. I think music generally, my taste in music probably comes through in the style of the things I wear.

It would be huge to hear your name in some music wouldn’t it?

"I think I’ve got a bit to go before that happens freely but it would be a big complement to get a mention but I like this crossover with music and football that is happening. Football is welcoming music way more these days all the time - you can see it every day with things even like Sky Sports. You can hear a grime tune on an advert which is a big change. It feels like people are more open these days. There’s still a line in terms of the lifestyle aspect between musicians and football - at the end of the day, we’re athletes and to be a professional you’ve got to live your life in a certain way. I think in terms of taking inspiration from music it’s never been bigger."

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Anfield has always been a special place but now with the new stand, what’s that noise like when you're lining up in the tunnel waiting to come out?

"Yeah it’s massive. When you hear “you’ll never walk alone” just before you come out, you hear it before a ball has been kicked and it gives you huge motivation. It gives you a real desire. With the expansion here, it’s even bigger and better and the Kop in itself is just something unique in the world. I think it’s one of the best stadiums on the planet to play in."

On the chance that you get a Sunday to relax, where do you go? What's the ultimate day off look like for you?

"Very chilled but if we have the time, I’ll probably go see friends and family. Play music and FIFA with mates. I don’t drink so probably wouldn’t go out, more just enjoy that time with mates for me."

Joe Gomez is wearing the Liverpool CXXV collection by New Balance.


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