Creative Soccer Culture

The Perimeter | Arsenal by Stew Capper

There's nothing quite like the fragrance of football that sits pretty outside a football stadium. In exploring the perimeter of some the most football famous settings across the land, there are pure football sights around every bend. Starting with Arsenal and the fans that skirt the edges of The Emirates, photographer Stew Capper paints the picture pre-kick off with these postcards.

The smoke in the air and the sizzle of burgers freshly flipped, the sweet hum of the generators and the muttering echoes of conversation. It's beautiful, right? Street sellers and shirts from eras gone by line the streets. Messages of support go from shoulder to shoulder and in particular, outside The Emirates, from Bergkamp to Parlour to Henry to Fabregas, there's memories bottled and sewn all over the streets.

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The stadium occupies the skyline  fresh and contemporary while the surrounding houses provide corridors and real-life energy that contributes to the atmosphere. So many modern grounds end up sitting on an industrial estate far from the connection of its people. The Emirates sits very much on Arsenal turf. A stone's throw from Highbury that is wrapped in the players that have helped create its legacy. Statues also surround the stadium as fans flood pass. A home for the pilgrimage and a chapel for those that save a special place for Marc Overmars by the bedside table. Total football, celebrated.

You can see more photography from Stew Capper here.


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