Creative Soccer Culture

Lionel Messi by Yann Dalon

Ever the fans of the craftsmenship Yann Dalon brings to his illustrated portraits, it's par for the course that he breaks the internet with this latest piece of work that champions 5 times World Player of the Year, Lionel Messi.

Capturing the super-human flair that Lionel Messi possesses this piece takes the character of Messi and presents it in a liberal yet defined fashion. A play maker and finisher, arguably the greatest the world has ever seen, Lionel Messi broke fresh ground once more last night in being announced the World Player of the Year as he picked up his 5th Ballon d'Or. But you know that already.

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This however is a mighty piece of work, testament to a player that dazzles on his own terms. Setting an unquestionably high bar, Messi is right now, the king of the elite. Carve it up on the pitch, game after game, year after year. We're no worthy. You can see more of Yann's work, here.


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