Creative Soccer Culture

10 Reasons Why We Love Fernando Torres

On the day that Fernando Torres announced he'll be hanging up his boots we've picked out ten reasons why he'll forever be an icon in our eyes. With his white socks, hairband and T90 boots of sheer thunder, El Niño calls it a day having won the World Cup, Euros, Champions League, and a hell of a lot of hearts. Time to pick out his best bits...

The Goals – Starting with the obvious. There was no type of goal that Torres couldn't score, from long range belters to tap ins, he had the lot in his repertoire.

The Hair – Were his performances tied to his hairstyle? Is it true that he lost his powers when he cut his golden locks off, something that coincided with his move to Chelsea? From the mullet of 2006 to the flowing locks of his Liverpool days.. the man was a Spanish Beckham when it come to the trim.

Torres 3-min.jpg
Torres 4-min.jpg

The White Socks – Trademark. An integral part of the Torres style along with the hairband and T90s, El Nino was one of the key figures responsible for you hunting out your old white socks from the bottom of the draw and pulling them over your football socks. White socks, hairband, T90s, untucked shirt, instant three points.

Destroying Vidic – At the peak of his powers, Nemanja Vidic was one of the best defenders the Premier League has seen. And Torres destroyed him.

When He Gave G-Nev An Actual Orgasm Live on TV – Actually, this noise still haunts us daily. Cheers Nando. Great goal though. 

International Success – A World Cup winner and two time European Champion with Spain, he remains the only player to score in two European Championship finals. There was a very brief period when Torres held the World Cup, European Championship, Champions League and Europa League all at the same time. Not a bad effort.

T90 Ads – Torres was the T90 man. The face of every campaign through its prime with his shot power and precision. Admittedly he shared that position with Wayne Rooney, but Nike always favoured the Spaniard because he had nicer hair than Wayne Rooney. Maybe if Rooney had Torres' hair... nah that's terrifying.

His 'Pesi' Ads – Nah, this isn't a Game of Thrones episode you missed. It's the pick of the bunch from Pepsi adverts that Torres featured in. You simply can't get that many legendary players together on the same day anymore. 

His Acting Career – Probably our favourite thing he's ever done. He always had a knack of looking like a kid going to his first school disco wearing his dad's clothes. And we love that. So did the ladies...

A Proper Number Nine – The red half of Liverpool loved him, and there's no better fanbase in the world when it comes to making songs. Their appreciation for their striker captured brilliantly in this Nike ad.

His Love For His Hometown Club – At the end of the day, despite playing for Liverpool, Chelsea, AC Milan and Sagan Tosu, he's just a local boy through and through. Just a grown man crying while talking about football and making other grown men cry. Something you can never explain.

Thanks for the memories El Nino...

Daniel Jones

The Creative Soccer Culture Brief

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