Creative Soccer Culture

Alessia Russo For SoccerBible Volumes: 'All Power'

Playing her part and making a huge impact at the Euros, Alessia Russo is one hell of back up plan to have in your arsenal. Check out what she had to say ahead of this summer’s tournament, as part of SoccerBible Volumes: ‘All Power’.

The dreams of Alessia Russo are being realised this summer. A cultured attacker who comes armed with ambition, talent and hard work have made her spot in the Lionesses squad a certainty. While that in itself is a milestone to marvel at, it’s above and beyond where her mindset now goes. Hungry to achieve with a fire burning for success, you’re golden, Alessia. Here’s your stage.

So much success, so many achievements - has the last 12 months been a dream? Can you describe it in your words?

The last twelve months have been really special. Just to get back on the pitch playing again after an injury last season was the biggest win. Everything that has followed on has been hugely exciting and I’ve loved being able to play and compete every week in the Women’s Super League. I’m in a good place that has got me excited for the summer.

How would you like to take that energy into the summer?

This season has been really positive for me. Going into the summer, not only is it a home Euros but it really is a massive time for women’s football as a whole. I think it’s going to be a special summer. I really want to go out there and make a mark on the games I can hopefully play in but even more so, make a mark on the game as a whole and help women’s football change so that it is given the respect that it deserves. I can’t wait for the whole occasion of it. It’s going to be incredible to see packed out stadiums.

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You’re always rising, does it feel like you’re moving into a new place in terms of your game and your profile?

I’m always, always looking to develop my game. The number nine role is still something that is quite new to me but I’m learning it and enjoying the process of putting it into practice every week. I like to model my game from other players as well so I spend a lot of time watching other number nines play. Seeing how they create space to score goals is something I’m always working on. I’m always learning and looking to develop in different ways and so hopefully there’s plenty more to come!

How has it been in the camp after having a break?

This season was great but we all needed that time to refresh. It’s been so good to have that time away as it’s given me that focus ahead of a big summer. It’s always good to take your mind off football at the right time. To go on holiday and recover and be in a different environment. You can’t underestimate how important that is as an athlete. Now we’re all excited to be back and it’s been that little bit more exciting as the tournament gets closer and closer.

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Take us behind the scenes, who do you look at in that squad for inspiration?

I think the talent in the squad is immense. Not just in the England squad but if you look at all the teams. For me as a forward there’s so many I can look up to and take inspiration from. Obviously Ellen White is one of them. What she’s done for England is massive and something I hope to do one day. The goals she has scored for England is such a landmark achievement and it’s set a tone and a benchmark for the rest of us. It’s really exciting to have people like her in the team that you can learn from and play with. I’m looking forward to having that time to be around her this summer.

Who do you look at and think, “they are such a good example to follow” and why

Being completely honest, the professionalism in this squad is incredible. That runs throughout the squad. I wouldn’t say one player in particular but I think that the standard that is set when you come into this team is important and people are always looking for ways to improve their game. That goes for how they act both on and off the pitch down to the technical details. Making sure your body is right and you’re recovering in the right way, getting the right way and resting up correctly. There’s so many elements that you pick up and each of those things plays such a big part. There’s a real standard that everyone sticks to in the squad.

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What would you say the feeling is like, what’s the mood like, heading into this tournament?

It’s a feeling of excitement. While our focus is on playing, we know that this is a huge moment and it gives the stage that the women’s game deserves. We’re all massively looking forward to it obviously. It’s a dream for us all – when you think about it – a Euros on home ground. What an incredible thing that is to be a part of.

What mark would you like to leave on the game this summer?

We all just want to prove that women’s football should get the respect it deserves. The stage really is set for the summer to show everyone for what we’ve got as well as setting an example for future generations coming through that we’re here to stay and we’re continuing to grow the game both on and off the pitch.

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Pick up SoccerBible Volumes: 'All Power' edition exclusively online at

Alessia Russo wears the adidas X Speedportal +, which you can also pick up at

Daniel Jones

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