Creative Soccer Culture

MLS All Stars v Arsenal Promotional Artwork by Crush Creative

Keeping up the collaborations, the MLS work with UK based creative agency, Crush Creative, to produce supporting promotional material for the All Star match up v Arsenal.

A celebration of the game from two sides of the globe, this wall bursting number keeps a standard well set - Crush previously teamed up with the MLS to create a series of Gold Cup posters last year - they describe the project as one that "was all about building a buzz and awareness for All-Stars week to get fans interested and fired up ahead of the game". A truly bespoke fixture, there was indeed a week of events that led up to the game, creating real hype it's how football should be, with the anticipation causing as much a stir as the 90 minutes on the pitch.

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Going further under the hood, Crush go on to say, "Our solution plays on the scale of the North America vs little old London town and is a cheeky provocative poke at Arsenal FC. " Rolled out across many mediums including billboards, murals it's a poignant delivery that brings feisty typography into play and preps up a party that was thought out from top to bottom.

Attention to detail all over, you can see more work by Crush Creative, here.


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